Will my TV run on the QIKPAC Battery
will my TV run on the QIKPAC battery Yes! Your TV can become completely portable with QIKPAC Modern flat screen TVs are highly efficient and use a comparatively small amount of power to run. This makes them excellent candidates to be powered by the OE QIKPAC battery. The majority of TVs are powered in one […]
Can any device be powered from ANIMATE? e.g. flat screens, printers.
Can any device be powered from ANIMATE? e.g. flat screens, printers. ANIMATE is primarily designed to power mobile devices, such as phones, tablets or laptops that take up to 60W (we have 100W solutions under development, but as no Type-C devices currently draw 100W then it is not considered urgent) through the TUF-HP or ARC-series […]
Can ANIMATE power a large screen TV/media wall?
Can ANIMATE power a large screen TV/media wall? TOP TIP: OE has a shortlist of various size DC-powered TVs and monitors that are compatible with our QIKPAC batteries. Using these appliances is recommended for most efficient battery usage with your furniture and most cost-effective use of the ANIMATE system.If you have a traditional AC-powered appliance, […]