Sydney Grammar School

Cable-free exam rooms

Sydney Grammar School approached OE Elsafe for a solution to their usually time-consuming exam setup process. Previously several teachers worked for three days to setup the four exam rooms, running mains power cables between desks and taping them to the floor to prevent trip hazards. Exam room safety was maintained between exams by checking and retaping cables. 

Sydney Grammar School 

what products were included?


Portable battery.  CLICK HERE for more information. 

about this project

The solution for Sydney Grammar School was the ANIMATE QIKPAC CARRY, a commercial grade battery and purpose designed carry case. The QIKPAC battery is the power at the centre OE Elsafe’s ANIMATE power series. Sydney Grammar School have embraced the newly released technology which has effectively reduced the previous three day exam room set up to an easy two-hour task.

Sydney Grammar School teachers are praising the technology as:
• safer with the floor being cable free and no trip hazards.
• easy to use and lasted the entire two day NAPLAN exam period
• classroom configurability can be optimised for students and exams rather than cables and the available power sockets

Designed for the commercial space a single QIKPAC battery will provide up to 28 hours of laptop power from a single charge. The same QIKPAC batteries were successfully used for previous exams including the recent Geography Olympiad with the same quick set up and pack down times.

Sydney Grammar School exam time no longer presents extra work pressure with the new technology ensuring teachers have more time to assist students during exams, providing students the best opportunity to maximise outcomes at what is usually a very busy time.