University of Kent

The University of Kent have re-designed Kent Business School (KBS) lecture theatre to bring the space up to date with the rest of the recently refurbished business school building.

what products were included?


In surface power unit.  CLICK HERE for more information. 

about this project

The business school required a higher specification than other areas of the university; able to support both undergraduate and post-graduate study, alongside the University’s iconic MBA programme.

KBS partnered with auditorium and lecture theatre seating experts; Audise, who proposed a seating design fit for 21st century education that could be future-proofed for inevitable advances in technology. As part of this, the decision was made to incorporate USB Type-C charging in order for the space to be at the forefront of technology.

OE PIXEL units were built into the writing ledge, to accommodate the growing use of mobile electronic devices in lecture theatre environments. There is an increasing trend of students using electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones during lectures to take notes, access course materials, and communicate with others. More and more students are relying on electronic devices in their academic work.

There was no easy access to power these PIXEL units from the mains. Audise was able to overcome this problem by running power from the steps, up the hollow steel legs of the furniture and under the ledge to each Pixel product.

Every student now has access to power and USB charging in the lecture theatre, ensuring laptops, tablets, and mobile phones can be kept charged, which reduces any stress or disruption associated with batteries dying mid-lecture.

“The PIXEL units provide a perfect blend of power and USB charging for students. The client loves their new lecture theatre.”

Audise Managing Director, Patrick Donoghue.