London Stansted Airport

Most people are anxious to fly. The couple of hours before your flight after check-in can be a particularly stressful and nerve-wracking time. Add to this the possibility of delays, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find a sense of calm or Zen.

As part of the Stansted Transformation Project, London Stansted Airport collaborated with Green Furniture Concept, a specialist in airport terminal seating, to install three new seating areas featuring the manufacturer’s acclaimed Nova C furniture

Airport terminal designers take this mind-set into consideration when proposing new terminal design concepts. Keeping passengers comfortable during any delays by providing adequate seating can be a big help in mitigating any tension. And providing adequate power outlets to keep passengers smartphones charged is now seen as a necessity rather than a luxury.

what products were included?


Under surface  power unit.  CLICK HERE for more information. 

about this project

As part of their ongoing £600 million Stansted Transformation Project, London Stansted Airport has opened three new seating areas featuring furniture by airport terminal seating specialists Green Furniture Concept.

The Swedish manufacturer installed their acclaimed Nova C seating, which provides seating for over 1,000 passengers in the main Departure Lounge – a seating capacity increase of 40 per cent.

Among the seats are 436, of OE’s TUF USB charging points offer a combination of the new USB-C outlet and the older USB-A outlet. USB-C allows passengers to charge their devices much quicker, meaning more battery life by the time need to board their flight. Airport staff can quickly and easily replace any damaged USB outlets without having to turn off the power supply, thanks to OE’s patented replaceable USB cartridge.